Upcoming events : save the date!

Meet Affinisep during 2024 exhibitions and conferences!

September 2024

When: 4th to 6th September, 2024
Where: Warwick, UK
Domain: Bioanalysis

Symposium organised by the British Society for Proteome Research and the British Society for Mass Spectrometry. 

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When: 10th to 13th September, 2024
Where: Rockville, MD, United States
Domain: Bioanalysis

Practical application of mass spectrometry (MS) in the biotechnology industry.

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When: 16th to 19th September, 2024
Where: Lille, France
Domain: Bioanalysis

Conference held by the French Society of Mass Spectrometry (SFSM) and the French Proteomics Society (FPS).

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When: 27th September, 2024
Where: Georgia, United States
Domain: Bioanalysis

The Atlanta-Athens Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group. 

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October 2024

When: 8th to 10th October, 2024
Where: Poitiers, France
Domain: Water analysis

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When: 20th to 24th October, 2024
Where: Dresden, Germany
Domain: Bioanalysis

Join us booth 15!

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November 2024

When: 5th to 8th November, 2024
Where: Praha, CZ
Domain: Food analysis

Join us booth 13!

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2024 Completed events

March 2024

When: 9th to 12th March 2024.
Where: Portland, Oregon (USA).

Field: Biological Analysis.

Meet us at booth #103!

Also discover our poster 572 on the development and optimization of an automated method for peptide desalting!

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When: 10th to 13th March 2024.
Where: Freising, Germany.

Meet us booth n°3!

Discover also our 2 posters about :
– A new method for automated peptide desalting
– Fast and efficient peptide fractionation in proteomic studies

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April 2024

When: 9th to 12th April 2024.
Where: Munich, Germany.

Meet us at booth A1.418!
And know more about Affinisep innovation for Proteomic analysis, Food safety and water monitoring and to discover how Affinisep can improve your sample Preparation workflow!

banniere affinisep analytica 2024

May 2024

When: 12th to 14th May 2024.
Where: Limoges, France

Meet our expert in water analysis at the 14th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium in Europe!

When: 22th to 24th May 2024.
Where: Bordeaux, France
Domain: Environment – water analysis

Join us at GRUTTEE, the 15th international conference dedicated to water treatment.

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When: 29th to 30th May 2024.
Where: Rouen, France
Domain: Bioanalysis

Meet us at the 5th International Conference on Post-Translational Modifications in Bacteria

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June 2024

When: 2nd to 6th June 2024.
Where: Anaheim, CA, USA

Meet us at booth 327!

Discover also our posters:

  • High-pH reversed-phase peptide fractionation on innovative SPE microelution well plates for high-throughput and automated workflows in proteomic studies

  • Development and optimization of a method for automated peptide desalting on the DigestPro MSi robot using AttractSPE® C18 tips
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