Metabolites purification by protein precipitation
Easy, fast and automatable filtration for protein precipitation.
AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation plates make easy, fast and automatable, the removal of plasma/serum proteins prior to the analysis of small molecules present in these complex matrices.
This very important step is obtained by precipitating proteins in presence of an organic solvent (e. g. acetonitrile). In the 2mL format of each well, you can leave your organic solvent in the well for several hours without any leakage.
The addition of the serum/plasma and the subsequent mixing lead to the protein precipitation. Then, using a positive pressure or vacuum manifold or centrifugation, the filtrate containing small molecules is collected for a LC-MS/MS analysis. Usually the proportion is 1 volume of biological fluids to 3 volumes of organic solvent.
The overall process is very short and can be lead easily with an automate.
Products list
Product Name | Product Price | Product SKU | Cart Actions |
AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation5/pk Ref. : PPT-5.96W |
SignIn To View | 9999 |
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AttractFiltra® Protein Precipitation1/pk Ref. : PPT-1.96W |
SignIn To View | 9999 |
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