Antibiotic and Drug residues
Determination of main antibiotics and drugs families in food of animal origin and in environment
Determination or monitoring of antibiotics or drug residues can be required for diverse reasons.
- Some antibiotics are widely used in animal production and aquaculture. Their levels are so regulated in food of animal origin.
- Other drugs such as amphetamines are of illegal use
- Most drugs used as medicine can be found as drug residus in water and soil through wastewater.
AFFINISEP has developed several kits to help on the determination of these drugs in complex matrices (food or biofluids):
- AFFINIMIP® SPE Chloramphenicol are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate chloramphenicol.
- AFFINIMIP® SPE Tetracyclines are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate Tetracyclines [TETRACYCLINE, CHLORTETRACYCLINE and OXYTETRACYCLINE), their EPIMERS and DOXYCYCLINE prior to analysis.
- AFFINIMIP® SPE Amphetamines are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate Amphetamines and its derivatives [Methamphetamine, MDA (3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine), MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and MDEA (3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine)] prior to analysis by HPLC-MS.
- AFFINIMIP®SPE Aminoglycosides are selective for the SPE cartridges that clean and concentrate Aminoglycosides compounds such as Spectinomycin, Hygromycin B, Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin, Amikacin, Kanamycin A, Paromomycin, Apramycin, Tobramycin, Sisomicin, Gentamicin C1, C1a, C2 and C2a, Neomycin B prior to analysis by LC-MS/MS.
- AFFINIMIP® SPE Beta-agonists are selective solid-phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate beta-agonists [Salbutamol, Zilpaterol, Ractopamine, Clenbuterol…] prior to analysis by HPLC-MS.
- AFFINIMIP® SPE Nitroimidazoles are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate Nitroimidazoles (such as Dimetridazole (DMZ), Ronidazole (RNZ), Metroimidazole (MNZ), HMMNI, Ipronidazole (IPZ), Ternidazole and some metabolites…) prior to analysis by LC-MS.
AttractSPE® Polymeric kits such as HLB bring solutions of choice for multiresidues analysis of drug residues in water. They are available as SPE columns or as SPE disks.
Passive samplers are commonly used for environmental monitoring of drug residues.