Magnetic beads removal

Removal of magnetic beads from samples after Single-Pot, Solid-Phase-enhanced Sample preparation (SP3).

BioSPE BeadRem is used to easily and quickly filter-out magnetic beads that remain in peptide or protein samples after SP3 procedure and that could plug the chromatographic column during LC-MS/MS analysis.

BioSPE BeadRem is available in two different versions, depending on the nature of your sample:

  • BioSPE BeadRem Aqua for aqueous samples
  • BioSPE BeadRem Orga for samples containing organic solvents

The BioSPE BeasRem kit is composed of:

  • Filtration columns
  • Adapters (for tips centrifugation) and/or collection tools (centrifuge tubes or collection plates). Each kit contains one collection tool to collect peptides/proteins in the flow-through
  • A detailed protocol for fast and efficient removal of beads and recovery of peptides/proteins

To determine which format will best suit your needs, please refer to the table in the “Formats” tab.

Products list

Product Image Name Description Price Actions
kit 96 plate 1ml collection plates x1 biospe mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – 96 wellplate & collection plates

Ref. : KT-Coll-96W-BeadRem-Orga.S.1

96 Wellplate for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 1mL wells - 1/pk + Collection plate - 1mL - 1/pk

kit 96 plate microelution collection plates x1 biospe mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – 96 wellplate for microelution & collection plates

Ref. : KT-Coll-µ96W-BeadRem-Orga.S.1

96 Wellplate for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - Tip-shaped wells - 1/pk + Collection plate - 1mL - 1/pk

kit tips 10ul mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Tips 10µL & spin adapters

Ref. : KT-Adapt-Tips-BeadRem-Orga.S.10.96

Kit of tips for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 10µL - 96/pk + spin adapters - 96/pk + collection tubes - 96/pk

kit tips 1ml mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Tips 1mL & spin adapters

Ref. : KT-Adapt-Tips-BeadRem-Orga.S.1000.96

Kit of tips for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 1mL - 96/pk + spin adapters - 96/pk + collection tubes - 96/pk

kit tips 200ul mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Tips 200µL & spin adapters

Ref. : KT-Adapt-Tips-BeadRem-Orga.S.200.96

Kit of tips for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 200µL - 96/pk + spin adapters - 96/pk + collection tubes - 96/pk

kit tips 200ul mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Tips 200µL & spin adapters

Ref. : KT-Adapt-Tips-BeadRem-Aqua.S.200.96

Kit of tips for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 200µL - 96/pk + spin adapters - 96/pk + collection tubes - 96/pk

kit 96 plate 1ml collection plates x1 biospe mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – 96 wellplate & collection plates

Ref. : KT-Coll-96W-BeadRem-Aqua.S.1

96 Wellplate for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 1mL wells - 1/pk + Collection plate - 1mL - 1/pk

kit 96 plate microelution collection plates x1 biospe mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – 96 wellplate for microelution & collection plates

Ref. : KT-Coll-µ96W-BeadRem-Aqua.S.1

96 Wellplate for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - Tip-shaped wells - 1/pk + Collection plate - 1mL - 1/pk

kit tips 10ul mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Tips 10µL & spin adapters

Ref. : KT-Adapt-Tips-BeadRem-Aqua.S.10.96

Kit of tips for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 10µL - 96/pk + spin adapters - 96/pk + collection tubes - 96/pk

kit tips 1ml mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Tips 1mL & spin adapters

Ref. : KT-Adapt-Tips-BeadRem-Aqua.S.1000.96

Kit of tips for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 1mL - 96/pk + spin adapters - 96/pk + collection tubes - 96/pk

kit spin micro mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – µSpin

Ref. : µSpin-BeadRem-Orga.S.50

µSpin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 50/pk + collection tubes - 50/pk

kit spin micro mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – µSpin

Ref. : µSpin-BeadRem-Aqua.S.50

µSpin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 50/pk + collection tubes - 50/pk

kit spin mini mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Spin

Ref. : Spin-BeadRem-Orga.S.50

Spin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 50/pk + collection tubes - 50/pk

kit spin mini mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Spin

Ref. : Spin-BeadRem-Aqua.S.50

Spin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 50/pk + collection tubes - 50/pk

cartridge biospe 1ml 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Cartridges 1mL

Ref. : CAR1-BeadRem-Aqua.S.50

SPE cartridges for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 1mL - 50/pk

cartridge biospe 3ml 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Cartridges 3mL

Ref. : CAR3-BeadRem-Aqua.S.50

SPE cartridges for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 3mL - 50/pk

cartridge biospe 6ml 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Cartridges 6mL

Ref. : CAR6-BeadRem-Aqua.S.50

SPE cartridges for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 6mL - 50/pk

kit spin 15ml mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Spin 15mL

Ref. : Spin15-BeadRem-Orga.S.25

Spin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 15mL - 25/pk + collection tubes - 25/pk

kit spin 15ml mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Spin 15mL

Ref. : Spin15-BeadRem-Aqua.S.25

Spin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 15mL - 25/pk + collection tubes - 25/pk

kit spin 50ml mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Spin 50mL

Ref. : Spin50-BeadRem-Orga.S.25

Spin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 50mL - 25/pk + collection tubes - 25/pk

kit spin 50ml mbr 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Aqua – Spin 50mL

Ref. : Spin50-BeadRem-Aqua.S.25

Spin columns for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in aqueous buffer - 50mL - 25/pk

cartridge biospe 1ml 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Cartridges 1mL

Ref. : CAR1-BeadRem-Orga.S.50

SPE cartridges for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 1mL - 50/pk

cartridge biospe 3ml 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Cartridges 3mL

Ref. : CAR3-BeadRem-Orga.S.50

SPE cartridges for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 3mL - 50/pk

cartridge biospe 6ml 600x600

BioSPE™ BeadRem Orga – Cartridges 6mL

Ref. : CAR6-BeadRem-Orga.S.50

SPE cartridges for the removal of magnetic beads from peptide mixtures in organic solvent - 6mL - 50/pk