Ready-to-use kits SPE and MIPs
Application – driven products for ready-to-use kits

AFFINISEP designs tailor-made polymer to specifically recognize one target compound (compound specific) or structurally related target compounds (class-selective), based on the shape and chemical functions using an imprinting procedure.
AFFINIMIP® SPE are high performance Solid Phase Extraction sorbents based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for sample cleanup before chromatographic analytical methods. Thanks to the superior selectivity in comparison with standard SPE, analytical chemists obtain higher recovery yields using simple and ready-to-use protocol.
- Perfect sample cleanup and lower detection limits
Based on molecularly imprinted polymers, AFFINISEP’s AFFINIMIP® technology provides cleaner extracts thanks to high binding affinities for specific target molecule(s), resulting in lower limits of detection and quantification. The selectivity of AFFINIMIP® SPE allows stringent washing steps in order to remove all interferents and therefore minimize matrix effects. AFFINIMIP® SPE products enable rapid, highly specific and sensitive detection of the target analyte from complex matrices.
- Ready for use analytical method
All AFFINIMIP® SPE products are delivered with an instruction sheet, describing the sample preparation and clean-up method in detail, recommended analytical conditions and a quality assurance certificate. Developed by AFFINISEP’s Analytical Department, the extraction protocol will in most cases require no further optimization. No extra equipment than the usual required for conventional SPE is necessary.
- Stable at broad pH ranges and high temperatures
AFFINIMIP® SPE phases are highly cross-linked polymers that maintain stability when exposed to organic solvents. They are stable at high temperatures, and can be used over broad pH ranges, without loss of selectivity. They can be stored at room temperatures for prolonged periods of times (several years). This is extremely advantageous over immunoaffinity based products.
- Reduction of ion suppression
Ion suppression is a problematic phenomenon that occurs when analyzing trace levels of analyte(s) in complex matrices with hyphenated techniques such as LC-MS-MS (Liquid Chromatography – tandem Mass Spectrometry). It is caused by the co-elution of matrix components with analyte(s) of interest and negatively affects several analytical figures of merit such as detection capability, precision and accuracy. Therefore, a perfect sample cleanup during sample preparation is critical. Thanks to the selectivity of AFFINIMIP® technology, ion suppression is reduced compared to more conventional SPE phases.
Food safety applications and products guide
Match your needs with the right AFFINIMIP®SPE product
Product families

NEW! Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Nitroimidazoles (such as DMZ, RNZ, MNZ, HMMNI, IPZ, …)

NEW! Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 from cereals, and cereal-based products

NEW! Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of aminoglycosides by HPLC-MS/MS in different molecules and complex matrices.
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Bisphenol from a variety of matrices: water, milk, canned food, urine, wines, beer, baby food …
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Patulin by HPLC from a variety of apple-based food matrices: Apple juice, apple puree, cider, baby food.
Multimyco LCMSMS
Ready-to-use kits for the simultaneous analysis of main Mycotoxins using mass spectrometry from cereal based food and feed
Ready-to-use kits for the simultaneous analysis of Zearalenone and Fumonisins for a matrices such as cereals such as wheat, barley, oats, corn, maize, ….
Ochratoxin A
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Ochratoxin A from a variety of food samples matrices: cereals, and cereal-based products, red and white wine, coffee, beer, grape juice, spices, ….
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Deoxynivalenol from a variety of food samples matrices based on cereals such as wheat, barley, oats, corn, maize, ….
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Zearalenone from a variety of food samples matrices: cereals, baby food.
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Glyphosate from a variety of samples matrices: water (surface, river, underground, geothermal), cereals, urine, honey, tea, …
Picolinic herbicides
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of chlorinated acid herbicides of picolinic structure (PICLORAM, AMINOPYRALID and CLOPYRALID) from water or biological samples.
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Tetracyclines (Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline and Tetracycline) from biological samples (meat,etc…)
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Chloramphenicol from a variety of samples matrices: honey, milk, urine, shrimp, …
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of synthetic or natural estrogens from water or biological samples.
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Phenolic compounds from a variety samples, such as in water, cosmectics products, biological or food matrices like meat.
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of NNAL – biomarker of tobacco – from biological fluids such as urine.
Ready to use kits for the analysis of Amphetamines from biological samples: urine and serum.
Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Cannabis-derivatived products (Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its metabolites, THC-OH, THC-COOH) by LC-MS
For biofluids such as urine, salive, blood