Silica, Florisil & inorganic SPE cartridges
All inorganic sorbents required for your applications
SPE columns sorbents are powder or SPE disks
Modified Silica, Florisil and Alumina
SilactSPE™ Silica, Florisil or Alumina -based SPE cartridges are inorganic sorbents with a broad range of chemically modified silica-, florisil or alumina.
This chemistry goes from very polar sorbent (bare silica) to hydrophobic sorbent (end-capped saturated hydrocarbon modified silica) passing through intermediate polarity (for instance, amino modified silica).
SilactSPE™ are SPE columns with inorganic powder sorbents. These formats are used for small samples volumes or with an automate.
For life science applications or any application requiring high capacities and low elution volume, a format SPE disks (called AttractSPE® disks cartridges) is available. They make possible large scale proteins/peptides purification/desalting/fractionation.
Product families
Silica SPE cartridges
Most polar sorbent SPE columns available with powder or SPE disks sorbents.
C18 and C18NEC SPE cartridges
End -capped C18 and Not – end – capped
The most popular Silica-based sorbent
Strongly hydrophobic and non-polar sorbent
SPE columns available with powder or SPE disks sorbents
C8 SPE cartridges
Moderately hydrophobic and non-polar sorbent
End -capped C8 and Not – end – capped
SPE columns available with powder or SPE disks sorbents
C4 Wide Pore SPE cartridges
Low hydrophobic sorbent
C4 wide-pore for protein purification and desalting
SPE columns available with powder or SPE disks sorbents
Cyano-bonded silica SPE cartridges
Moderately polar sorbent
Can be used as normal phase or reversed phase
SCX-bonded silica SPE cartridges
Strong cation exchanger silica-based sorbent positively charged with SO3H acid moieties
Amino-bonded silica (WAX) SPE cartridges
Weak anion exchanger silica-based sorbent with amino groups
SAX -bonded silica SPE cartridges
Strong anion exchanger silica-based sorbent using trimethyl ammonium moieties
PSA-bonded silica SPE cartridges
Weak anion exchanger silica-based sorbent
Primary/Secondary Amine modified silica
WCX-bonded silica SPE cartridges
Weak cation exchanger silica-based sorbent with carboxylic acid.
Alumina-Acidic, Neutral & Basic SPE cartridges
SilactSPE™Alumina particularly suit for the retention of aromatic compounds, aliphatic amines and compounds containing electronegative functions.