NEW! Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of Nitroimidazoles (such as DMZ, RNZ, MNZ, HMMNI, IPZ, …)
Nitroimidazole antibiotics are an important group of antibacterial compounds used to treat infections in animals.
Several of these compounds show mutagenic and carcinogenic properties.
For this reason, the EU and several other countries such as the United States have prohibited their use as veterinary drugs in livestock.
Therefore these products and their metabolites must not be present in foods of animal origin such as eggs, meat or milk.
AFFINIMIP®SPE Nitroimidazoles are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate Nitroimidazoles (such as Dimetridazole (DMZ), Ronidazole (RNZ), Metroimidazole (MNZ), HMMNI, Ipronidazole (IPZ), Ternidazole and some metabolites…) prior to analysis by LC-MS.