Ready-to-use kits for the analysis of PAHS from fatty food such as oil.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a large group of organic compounds with two or more fused aromatic rings and are known to be cancer-causing agents.
Human beings are exposed to PAHs mostly by intake of food. As these microcontaminants are highly soluble in lipophilic compounds, edible oils can be an important source of contamination by PAHs.
In 2023, EU Commission Regulation No 2023/935, repealing Regulation 1881/2006, set maximum levels in edible oils to 2 ng/g of benzo[a]pyrene individually, and 10 ng/g of benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene, and benzo[a]anthracene combined. The regulation for several other matrices is also set such as for dried herbs and infant formulae.
AFFINIMIP® SPE PAHs are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate Polyaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene and benzo[a]anthracene from fatty foods (oil) prior to analysis by HPLC.
We have developed two other solutions for PAH analysis:
- in water by AttractSPE®HLB,
- in soil by SilactSPE® CN/SiOH.
- Ready for use and optimized extraction methodologies adapted to fatty matrices.
- Very simple protocol.
- Compliant with European Commission Regulation (EC) 835/2011.
For more articles on AFFINIMIP® SPE PAHs please click here.
- POPs - PAHs - Perfluorinated compounds /
- PAHs
Poster - PAHs in oil & oil-rich food using MIP
New! Simple and fast method for PAHs quantification in oil and oil-rich food using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers extraction. Poster in collaboration with Carso LSEHL.
- POPs - PAHs - Perfluorinated compounds /
- PAHs
Poster analysis of PAHs in olive, canola and CBD oils by a simple and fast cleanup method based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
- POPs - PAHs - Perfluorinated compounds /
- PAHs
Determination of PAHs in Olive and Rapeseed oils by LC-FLD using AFFINIMIP®SPE PAHs
Analysis of 7 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (including the 4 regulated ones) by LC-Fluorescence after a previous clean-up of rapeseed (canola) and oliva oil with AFFINIMIP®SPE PAHs. Excellent recovery yields and cleanliness were obtained.
- POPs - PAHs - Perfluorinated compounds /
- PAHs
Determination of PAH in Olive and Rapeseed oils by GC-MS/MS using AFFINIMIP®SPE PAHs
Products list
Product Image | Name | Description | Price | Actions | |
SilactSPE CN/SiOHRef. : CNSiOH-50.S.3.500.1G |
cyanopropyl modified silica and silica SPE cartridges – 3mL PP cartridges -500mg CN – 1000mg silica– 50 columns/pack |
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SilactSPE™CN/SiOHRef. : CNSiOH-50.S.6.500.1G |
cyanopropyl modified silica and silica SPE cartridges – 6mL PP cartridges -500mg CN – 1000mg silica– 50 columns/pack |
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50/pk – 3ml |
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Selective SPE cartridges for PAHs for fatty food - 100/pk - 3mL flangeless |
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