
Deoxynivalenol (DON, also known as Vomitoxin) belongs to the trichothecene group of mycotoxins and is formed by fungi of the genus Fusarium. Deoxynivalenol often occurs in many plant products, particularly in cereal crops such as wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye.

Deoxynivalenol (DON) also known as Vomitoxin is a type B trichothecene produced by various Fusarium fungi and occurs predominantly in grains such as wheat, barley, oats, rye, and maize. Although DON is one of the least acutely toxic trichothecenes, it should be treated as an important food safety issue because it is a very common contaminant of grain.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has established a level of 1 ppm (parts per million) restriction of vomitoxin.In Europe, Regulation (EC) N°1126/2007 sets maximum levels for Deoxynivalenol in cereals with, for instance, respectively 1750µg/kg for unprocessed maize, 750µg/Kg for cereal flours and 200µg/kg for babyfood.

Here you can find several application notes for the analysis of Patulin in various matrix based on AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol kits.

  • Mycotoxins / 
  • Déoxynivalénol

Application note AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol - DON and 3-AcDON and 15-AcDON

Deoxynivalenol and its analogues 3-AcetylDON and 15-AcetylDON in cereals
The extraction of Deoxynivalenol and its analogues on Cereals was carried out with AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol before analysis by a single MS quadrupole.

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  • Mycotoxins / 
  • Déoxynivalénol

Application note AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol - DON in animal feed

Analysis of Deoxynivalenol in animal feed
Several animal feeds were analyzed by UV after a clean-up with AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol.

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  • Mycotoxins / 
  • Déoxynivalénol

Application note AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol - DON in babyfood

Analysis of Deoxynivalenol in babyfood
The extraction of Deoxynivalenol in babyfood was carried out with AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol before analysis by a single MS quadrupole.

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  • Mycotoxins / 
  • Déoxynivalénol

Application note AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol - Cereals with two extration methods

Cereals with two extraction methods of Deoxynivalenol: hydro-organic or Water
The extraction of Deoxynivalenol on Cereals was carried out with two different protocols: Water and Hydro-organic (a mixture of Acetonitrile and Water). Then, the extracts were used for a clean-up with AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol before analysis.

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  • Mycotoxins / 
  • Déoxynivalénol

Application note AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol - Meat

Analysis of Deoxynivalenol in Meat New!
The extraction of Deoxynivalenol on Meat was carried out with AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol before analysis.

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